
国際P2M学会春季研究発表大会(4/18):IAP2M Spring Conference 4/18/09 [Report]

国際P2M学会春季研究発表大会(4/18):IAP2M Spring Conference 4/18/09

テーマ「P2Mコンセプト:Version 2.0」:Main Theme "P2M Version 2.0"

President Yoshida's Opening Address & Prof. Yamamoto's Speech on P2M
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次に、山本秀男教授(中央大)が、「P2Mコンセプト:不確実な環境下の価値創造プログラムマネジメント」という題名で基調講演を行った。そこで、過去数か月にわたって委員会で議論を重ねてきた「P2M Version 2.0」のコンセプトについての説明がなされた。ここで、「Version 1.0」と「Version 2.0」の違いは、前者と違って、後者は組織内外の不確実な状況を明示的に考慮に入れることで、プログラム・マネージャーが、Version 1.0でカバーされるような通常のリスクの下でのプログラムの価値の設定と評価の役割に加えて、不確実性の下での価値創造や評価およびリスク最小化の方法について組織のオーナーにフィードバックすることの重要性を強調することである。

Prof. Yoshida, Prof. Ohara, Prof. Kameyama, Prof. Taketomi & Prof. Yamamoto
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基調講演を受けて、「P2Mコンセプト」についてのワークショップがあり、コーディネーターは吉田邦夫教授、パネリストは小原重信教授(東京農工大)、亀山秀雄教授(東京農工大)、武富為嗣教授(日本工業大)および山本秀男教授。ここでパネリストは、参加者の色々な質問に答え、意見交換を行うことで、「P2M Version 2.0」のコンセプトの明確化に努めた。

様々な分野から見た「P2M Version 2.0」に関する質問をぶつける参加者たち
Paricipants Asking Questions About "P2M Version 2.0" From Various Angles
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Prof. Kinoshita & Prof. Komatsu, Asking Fundamental Questions About P2M
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国際P2M学会秋季研究発表大会:IAP2M Fall Conference 2008:
国際P2M学会春季研究発表大会:IAP2M Spring Conference 2008:

The 2009 Spring Conference of IAP2M (International Association of Project & Program Management) was held at CIC (Campus Innovation Center) in Shibaura, Tokyo, on April 18. The general theme for the conference is "Clarification and Further Development of the Japanese-Based Concept of P2M: To Facilitate Innovation and Contribute to Competitive Resurgence and Human Resource Development"

IAP2M President Kunio Yoshida (Emeritus Professor, University of Tokyo) delivered his opening address, mentioning the necessity of making the Association an NPO corporation and its journal to be published online.
Following the opening address, Professor Hideo Yamamoto (Chuo University) gave a keynote speech entitled "P2M Concept: Value-Creating Program Management in Uncertain Environment" to explain the concept of "P2M Version 2.0" based on extensive discussions at his committee for the last several months. One of the main differences between P2M Version 1.0 and Version 2.0 is that unlike the former, the latter takes explicit account of uncertain conditions outside and inside the organization, and emphasizes the importance of the program manager's feedback to the owner of the organization regarding value creation and evaluation as well as means for risk minimization, in addition to the tasks covered by P2M Version 1.0, that is, those of program management for value settig and evaluation under calculable risks.

Then, a workshop was held on this topic "P2M Concept," where the coordinator was Prof. Kunio Yoshida and the panelists were Prof. Shigenobu Ohara (Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology), Prof. Hideo Kameyama (same university), Prof. Tametsugu Taketomi (Nippon Institute of Technology) and Prof. Hideo Yamamoto. The panelists tried to answer various questions by participants and useful exchange took place between the panelists and the participants to clarify the concept of P2M Version 2.0,

There were a number of individual sessions in the morning as well as in the afternoon, focusing on the revised concept of P2M. In particular, Prof. Toshihiko Kinoshita (Waseda University) pointed out that not just "concepts" but "missions" should be reconsidered, as a paradigm shift is occurring due to the current financial crisis on the global scale. He proposed to review the Japanese "excellent company" model so as to make it effective in dealing with the current crisis. In the same session, Prof. Akihide Komatsu (Shizuoka University) presented a framework for project & program planning management from the viewpoint of the owner rather than the contractor.

IAP2M (in English):
IAP2M Fall Conference 2008:
IAP2M Spring Conference 2008:
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