
国際教養大学第8回大学祭:8TH AIU FESTIVAL [写真]

国際教養大学・第8回大学祭:8TH AIU FESTIVAL: Oct. 9-10, 2011

1日目(10月9日):DAY 1 (October 9):
中嶋学長による開会宣言と風船:President Nakajima's Opening Address & Baloons
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各国対抗!しゃべり場@グラスステージ:Int'l Debate! Talking Place@Main Stage
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模擬授業と学長講演@D棟:Simulation Class & President's Lecture@Bldg D
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学生たちの国際的グルメ露店:International Gourmet Food Stands by Students
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室内模擬店での音楽やスナック@B棟:Music and Snacks at Indoor Shops@Bldg B
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グラスステージでの様々なイベント:Various Events@Main Stage
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ミュージカルとミスコン@多目的ホール:Musical and Mr & Mrs Contest@Main Hall
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サイン会ときりたんぽ作り@A棟前:Autograph Event & Kiritanpo Cooking Near Bldg A
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AIU音楽隊の演奏@学生会館:Performance of AIU Brass Band Club@Student Hall
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ポスターになった中嶋学長:President Nakajima Appearing in Posters
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2日目(10月10日):DAY 2 (October 10):

満面の笑顔で迎えた2日目:Starting Day 2 with a Big Smile
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特別講演「日本力」@D棟:Special Lectures on "Japan Power"@Bldg D:
ウィリアムス副学長と勝又教授:Vice-president Mark Williams & Prof. M. Katsumata
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EAP仮想パフォーマンス@グラスステージ:EAP Costume Performance@Main Stage
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露店での日本人学生と留学生:Japaneses and International Students at Food Stands
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お茶とお花のクラブ活動:Tea Ceremony & Flower Arrangement Club Activities
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廊下の出店活動@C棟:Shops in the Corridors@Bldg C
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AIU音楽隊合同演奏会@多目的ホール:AIU Brass Band Club Joint Concert@Main Hall
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AIU Brass Band Club with Yuwa Junior High Brass Band Club and Akita Musik Schwarmer Brass
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屋外でのAIU音楽隊員の活動:Outdoor Activity of AIU Brass Band Members
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「ADB48」のパフォーマンス@グラスステージ:"ADB48" Performance@Mail Stage
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人気のロックグループ@学生会館:Popular Rock Band Performance@Student Hall
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青谷明日香チャリティーライブ@多目的ホール:Aoya Asuka's Charity Live@Main Hall
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夕方も続くイベントとパフォーマンス:Continuing Events & Performances in the Evening
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